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Be baptized in water and in the Holy Spirit Part 1: (Water Baptism)

Overview: Baptism in Water :

“Baptism literally means to ‘immerse’. In water baptism we are by faith symbolically identifying with Christ’s death, burial and resurrection. As we are lowered into the water we choose to die with Christ to our old life, and then being lifted from the water we are being raised to new life and new identity in the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. We are also embraced into a new family, identifying as members who belong to the body of Christ, the Church. This powerful act of obedience and identification begins the pattern of daily denying ourselves, taking up our cross and living a new life in Christ by the power of the Holy Spirit. Our new life is a process of being conformed to the image of Christ in love for the sake of others. ”

REMEMBER (30 min)

Remember God: Worship, Prayer, or Communion

  • Spend time giving thanks for where you see the life of Jesus breaking through in your week.

Remember each other: Care

  • Optional- break up into smaller groups for 10 min Hi/Lo check-in

Remember the Liturgy:

Remember what we learned and put into practice last week: Accountability

  • Topic: Be Baptized in Water and in the Holy Spirit: Part 2 (Pentecost Sunday)

  • How did you encounter the Holy Spirit afresh this week (immersed in the Holy Spirit)

REFLECT (30 min)

Prepare (See the Leaders Guide for a brief commentary and context for the scripture and core truth from the topic)

  • Introduce today’s topic and any commentary, or context for the scripture

    • Topic Title- Be Baptized in Water

    • Share the Summary Scripture for the topic if you want

    • Share “Core Truths from the topic” in the leaders guide where needed

    • Share context for Scripture Story- Romans 6:1-11


  • Read the Scripture: Romans 6:1-11

  • Discussion Questions

    • What is the biblical and historical context?

    • What does this reveal about God and People? (optional)

    • What does it mean that we have died with Christ to our old life and been raised to new life in baptism?

    • How have you seen the “power of sin” broken in your life?

RESPOND (30 min)

Experience and Encounter

  • Ask if a few people have a story of how their life changed after being baptized in water and have them share.


  • The Lord’s Prayer

Practice and Obey

  • If you have not been baptized, make a decision and plan to be baptized.

  • For those who have been baptized- take time to invite the Holy Spirit to show you where he wants you to deny yourself and live in his new way of life.

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