* The Kids Resource linked above is the same as Lord's Supper Part 1 feel free to use/adapt it if it's not easy to include kids in with the meal this week.
REMEMBER (30 min)
Remember God: Worship and Prayer: Worship, prayer, or communion
Remember each other: Care
Optional- break up into smaller groups for 10 min Hi/Lo check in
Remember the liturgy:
Remember what we learned and put into practice last week: Accountability
Remember the commands we’ve learnt up to this point - can you do all the hand motions?
REFLECT (30 min)
Prepare (see the Leaders Guide for a brief commentary and context for the scripture and core truth from the topic)
Introduce today’s topic and any commentary, or context for the scripture.
Topic Title: Give
Share the Summary Scripture for the topic if you want: Matt 6:21 & 24
Share “Core Truths from the topic” in the leaders guide where needed.
Share context for Scripture Story: Mark 10:17-31 "Rich Young Ruler".
Read the Scripture: Mark 10:17-31
Discussion Questions
What is the biblical and historical context?
What does this reveal about God and People? (optional)
In verse 21, what strikes you about Jesus looking at him with love while inviting him to surrender what had his heart?
Is there anything that has my heart more than Jesus?
RESPOND (30 min)
Experience and Encounter
Lord’s Supper (Communion)- take time to reflect on how God has been generous to us during communion.
Practice and Obey (for the coming week)
Reflect this week on what has your ‘worship’. Does anything else take priority in your life over God?
Lord’s Prayer