REMEMBER (30 min)
Remember God: Worship and Prayer: Worship, prayer, or communion
Remember each other: Care
Optional- break up into smaller groups for 10 min Hi/Lo check in
Remember the Liturgy:
Remember what we learned and put into practice last week? Accountability
Topic: Gather
Reflect on what it was like for everyone to bring their contribution and what it could look like to continue to practice 1 Cor. 14:26-33
REFLECT (30 min)
Introduce today’s topic and any commentary or context for the scripture
Topic Title: “Go Make Disciples” Part 1
Share the Summary Scripture for the topic if you want
Share “Core Truths from the topic” in the leaders guide where needed
Share context for Scripture Story
Read the Scripture
Discussion Questions
What is the biblical and historical context?
What does this reveal about God and People? (optional)
Why is “making disciples” Jesus’ main point and verb in the passage?
How do we make disciples like Jesus did? Why does it involve Going, Baptizing into Father, Son and Holy Spirit and Teaching people to obey all that He has commanded?
Who has God used to “make a disciple” of you? What did they do? (tell stories)
RESPOND (30 min)
Experience and Encounter
Take time to share about who you are being called to disciple.
Lord’s Supper (Communion)
Lord’s Prayer
Practice and Obey
Take time to either pray for those you are discipling and ask God for how he wants you to intentionally continue to invest in their lives. Or if you are not yet discipling anyone, ask Him to lead you to someone you can disciple.