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Writer's pictureNavah

Pray: Part 1

REMEMBER (30 min)

Remember God: Worship, Prayer or Communion

Remember each other: Care

  • Optional- break up into smaller groups for 10 min Hi/Lo check in

Remember the Liturgy:

Remember what we learned and put into practice last week: Accountability

  • Topic: Hear & Obey the Word Part 2

  • Share back how you have practiced silence and solitude and tried the “Yes/No Discernment Prayer” tool.

REFLECT (30 min)

Prepare (See the Leaders Guide for a brief commentary and context for the scripture and core truth from the topic)

  • Introduce today’s topic and any commentary or context for the scripture

  • Topic Title: Pray: Part 1

    • Share the Summary Scripture for the topic: Ephesian 6:18 - "And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people."

  • Share “Core Truths from the topic” in the leaders guide where needed

  • Share context for Scripture Story: Matthew 6:5-13 - (The Motive, Meaning and Method of Prayer)


  • Read the Scripture: Matthew 6:5-13

  • Discussion Questions

    • What is the biblical and historical context?

    • What does this reveal about God and People? (optional)

    • Motive: Jesus teaches us to pray for the reward that comes from the Father who sees us. How does the great reward of intimacy with the Father motivate you in prayer?

    • Method: Jesus teaches us to go into the secret place, shutting the door to shut out distractions. What distracts you from prayer and the secret place?

    • Meaning: Jesus teaches us not to say “empty words”, or “many words” but rather gives a meaningful pattern for prayer in the Lord’s prayer. What does the Lord’s prayer teach us about how to pray and what God values?

RESPOND (30 min)

Experience and Encounter

  • Use The Lord’s Prayer as a map to help you to pray your own prayers from the heart. Slowly read out each phrase of the Lord’s Prayer and allow it to become an invitation to pray out your own prayers.

    • For example, ‘Our Father’ prompts us to pause and remember God as our Abba and our identity before Him as beloved children, or to pray for our families and church. ‘Hallowed be your name’ is an invitation to worship. ‘Let your Kingdom come’ is an opportunity to request help for the particular people, places and situations in our hearts. ‘Give us this day our daily bread’ invites us to pray about our most practical needs. ‘Forgive us our sins’ is a challenge to name the ways in which we have sinned, etc.

Lord’s Supper (Communion)

Practice and Obey (for the coming week)

  • Build the Lord’s Prayer into your regular routine: Commit together as a group to set a daily reminder for this coming week (midday is usually easy for most people) and pause to pray the Lord’s Prayer wherever you are.

  • Send the link for the first session of the “How to Pray” video course:


  • The Lord’s Prayer

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