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Repent & Believe Part 1

Writer's picture: Navah Navah

Repent and Believe Hand Motion:

Researchers have found that moving our bodies and adding actions to our learning significantly increases our ability to remember. Here is a hand action you can add to the command to remember it:

  • Repent; Step 1: Take your right hand and stretch it in front of you.

  • Repent; Step 2: Turn your outstretched hand towards your heart

  • Believe; Step 1: Place both hands, at your temples: palms facing forward, fingers touching your temples

  • Believe; Step 2: Raise both arms in the air: hands open and facing forward

Repent and Believe Overview: Jesus offers us the Kingdom of God and calls us to rethink (repent: ‘metanoia’) everything we thought we knew about what would lead us to the good life and trust (believe: ‘pisteuō’) in him instead. This change of mind and heart looks like trusting Jesus as King of our lives rather than ourselves, and leads us away from sin into the love of God. Repentance and faith begin our journey with Jesus and are the ongoing means of our transformation and sanctification until the end of our lives.

REMEMBER (30 min)

Remember God: Worship, Prayer or Communion

Remember each other: Care

  • Optional- break up into smaller groups for 10 min Hi/Lo check in

Remember the Liturgy:

Remember what we learned and put into practice last week: Accountability

  • Topic: The Greatest Commandment

  • Share stories of how you helped/served a neighbor

REFLECT (30 min)

Prepare (See the Leaders Guide for a brief commentary and context for the scripture and core truth from the topic)

  • Introduce today’s topic and any commentary or context for the scripture

    • Topic Title: Repent & Believe Part 1

    • Share the Summary Scripture for the topic if you want

  • Share “Core Truths from the topic” in the leaders guide where needed

  • Share context for Scripture Story: Luke 19:1-10 (Zaccheus Repents)


  • Read the Scripture: Luke 19:1-10

  • Discussion Questions

    • What is the biblical and historical context?

    • What does this story reveal about Jesus?

    • How do you see repentance in Zaccheus' response (changing his thinking and turning to God’s way)? What do you think caused him to repent?

    • Describe a time that trusting Jesus’ way changed your mind about something significant? How did that change your actions?

RESPOND (30 min)

Experience and Encounter

  • Take some time to ask the Holy Spirit for an area he wants you to change how you are thinking or living (repent). Ask the Holy Spirit how he would want you to trust him for a new way to live?


  • The Lord’s Prayer

Practice and Obey

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