The Gift Overview
‘The Gift’ is a shorthand description used in the apostles' letters to the churches describing the lavish grace of God given to all who repent and place their trust in Jesus as Lord, believing the gospel. The gospel is who Jesus is and what he has done. ‘The Gift’ is what we freely receive in Christ and continually experience through the Holy Spirit!
Found in the Father/Formed in the Family The gift of God is to find our new identity in the Father and to work out our new identity in a Spirit-led transforming process with the church, formed in the family.
REMEMBER (30 min)
Remember God: Worship, Prayer or Communion
Remember each other: Care
Optional- break up into smaller groups for 10 min Hi/Lo check in
Remember the Liturgy:
Remember what we learned and put into practice last week: Accountability
Topic: The Gift-3. Filled with the Holy Spirit
How did the Holy Spirit meet you as you asked to be filled afresh each day?
REFLECT (30 min)
Prepare (See the Leaders Guide for a brief commentary and context for the scripture and core truth from the topic)
Introduce today’s topic and any commentary or context for the scripture
Topic Title- The Gift- Found in the Father, Formed in the Family
Share the Summary Scripture for the topic :Ephesians 2:18-22
Share “Core Truths from the topic” in the leaders guide where needed
Share context for Scripture/Story: Eph 3:14-21
Read the Scripture: Read the Scripture Eph 3:14-21
Discussion Questions
What is the biblical and historical context?
What does this reveal about God and People (optional)
What aspects of Paul’s prayer stand out to you?
How have you grasped God’s love through the family of God that you couldn’t have alone?
Tell stories of when God’s love moved from head knowledge to experience.
RESPOND (30 min)
Experience and Encounter
Pray for one another to have a deeper experience of the Father’s love.
Creative Exercise: Have a family encouragement session. To encourage someone is to breathe life into them.
Provide a wrapped empty box. Depending on the size of the group you may need to break into smaller groups. Someone hands “the gift” to the person next to them and speaks a word of encouragement over that person as a member of this church family. Be specific such as “you are a gift to us because you are a good listener”. When each person has given and received “the gift”, close by taking the Lord’s supper together.
Lord’s Supper (Communion)
Practice and Obey
Spend time thinking of who you are receiving in God’s family to help you grow in God’s love and maturity. Be intentional to invite them into your life.
Prayerful meditation to engage the Holy Spirit this week: “Lord, I believe you are a God with great purposes. You placed me into a particular family in a particular place in a particular time in history. I don’t see what you see, but I ask you to show me, Lord, the revelation and purposes you have for me in this decision. I do not want to betray or be ungrateful for what was given to me. Yet at the same time, help me discern what I need to let go of from my past and what my essential discipleship issues are in the present that must be addressed. “Grant me courage, grant me wisdom to learn from the past but not be crippled by it. And may I, like Joseph, be a blessing to my earthly family, spiritual family, and the world at large. In Jesus’ name, amen”
(Scazzero, Pete. “Emotionally Healthy Spirituality” Zondervan, 2019, pg.96)
The Lord’s Prayer