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Writer's pictureNavah

Who are we together? The Church: Prayerful, Family on Mission

The Church Overview: "THREE LOVES" described in "THREE WORDS"

Prayerful (Love God): All of life in God’s presence.

Family (Love One Another): All of life with God’s people.

Mission (Love the World): All of life with God’s passion.

We follow Jesus every day in every area of our life, 24-7. We don’t follow Jesus as individuals only, but as a family of families consumed with His love, power and presence. The primary way we express this shared life is in The Church. Following Jesus means that we love what He loves and share in His dreams. It means we dive deep into His Father, His family, His Spirit, His story and His world. Jesus suffered and died for all people, rich or poor, from all cultures and contexts. His passion was to bring home a hurting humanity and make beautiful a damaged creation. He called all people to follow Him, and called His followers to join His mission.

REMEMBER (30 min)

Remember God: Worship, Prayer or Communion

Remember each other: Care

  • Optional- break up into smaller groups for 10 min Hi/Lo check in

Remember the Liturgy:

Remember what we learned and put into practice last week: Accountability

  • Topic: Baptized in The Holy Spirit: Share how your meditation on Roman 8:12-17 daily went. Share the creative words, pictures or music if able.

REFLECT (30 min)

Prepare (See the Leaders Guide for a brief commentary and context for the scripture and core truth from the topic)

  • Introduce today’s topic and any commentary or context for the scripture

    • Topic Title : Who are we together? The Church: Prayerful, Family on Mission

    • Share the Summary Scripture for the topic if you want : Romans 12:4-5

    • Share “Core Truths from the topic” in the leaders guide where needed

    • Share context for the Scripture: Acts 2:42-47


  • Read the Scripture: Acts 2:42-47

  • Discussion Questions

    • What is the biblical and historical context?

    • What does this reveal about God and People? (optional)

    • What were some of the markers of the Church in its beginnings in Acts 2:42-47?

    • Why do you think these were the things they devoted themselves to?

    • How was their way of life both revealing and reflecting Jesus and his teachings?

    • How do you see us currently practicing the example of the early church in prayerful, family on mission? In what ways could we grow and mature as a church to imitate their example through the grace and help of the Holy Spirit?

RESPOND (30 min)

Experience and Encounter

  • Share and Pray:

    • Option 1: Spend time in prayer celebrating how you have seen Jesus’ way and life described in Acts 2 expressed through your church. Then ask for the Holy Spirit’s help to mature the church in the image of Jesus as we’ve seen expressed through the early church.

    • Option 2: Spend time in small groups sharing what grace, gifts and contributions God has put in you to build up the church and extend God’s kingdom in the world? Individuals could reflect on if they resonate most with helping people connect to God (prayerful) one another (family) or the world (mission).

  • Lord’s Supper (Communion)- Emphasize Jesus’ body broken and blood shed to make us one new family in Jesus.

Practice and Obey

  • Think about what grace, gifts, dreams and contribution God has put in you to build up the church and to bring God’s Kingdom in the world? Write those down and share them with your home church leaders.


  • The Lord’s Prayer

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