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  • KID’S RESOURCE: The Gospel: Part 2. He Lived the life we couldn’t live

    Remember Breath Prayer Breathe in: Brother Jesus Breath out: Fully human Breathe in: Merciful and faithful Breath out: In every way Song: Remember what we learned and put into practice last week? Is anyone celebrating something that happened this week? Let’s share so we can all thank God together. Is anyone struggling, feeling sad, lonely or scared? How can we pray for one another? Practice the Following Jesus Liturgy (With our youngest kids only focus on the portion that we’re currently learning) Leader: Jesus said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me.” We believe this is true because of the Gospel. What is the Gospel? Kids respond: God always Loved us and gave us His Son Jesus He lived the life we couldn’t live Reflect Explore Key Concepts “Jesus was a new kind of man. He would not believe the terrible lie that the enemy spoke. Jesus knew God loved him and He would trust God no matter what.” Read: Jesus’ Wilderness temptation, “Let’s Go” (Jesus Storybook Bible pg 208-209) Discover through curious questions: Ask the children what stood out to them. What did they like about the story? Was anything new or different than how they’d heard the story in the past? Allow the conversation to be led by their questions, insights, and wonderments. Have you had moments in your life that it was difficult to trust God? Have you ever felt tempted to do something that you knew was wrong? What was that like? Where do you think God is when you’re tempted to make poor decisions? What is His heart towards you? Respond Experience: The Words that Make Up Me (3yrs - adult) Prep: You’ll need a paper for every person. This activity can be scaled according to the materials you have available. If time, space, and materials are available, then every child will have a piece of butcher paper large enough for them to lay on. If this isn’t feasible, a standard 8.5”X11” will work. If you are using a large piece of paper, have the child lay down on the paper. Kids can work together to trace one another. This is usually a fun, silly time for kids, but is also a grounding exercise to help them take deep breaths, calm down and be still. Depending on the age and size of the group it may make most sense to have the adult outline the child, making sure every child feels comfortable and safe. If large paper isn’t available or a child isn’t comfortable being traced, have the children draw a picture of themselves in bubble form so that words can be written inside. Encounter: Prayer: “Thank you, Father, for showing us through Jesus, what it looks like to live a life connected to you.” Intro: The words we speak are powerful. Words can be a blessing or a curse. They create life and health or can cause death and destruction. Jesus knew this. The words that Satan spoke to Him were lies. Even though they sounded close to the truth the were meant to harm him, tempt him, and cause Him to not trust Father God. Just as Jesus was familiar with lies we must learn to recognize and stand against lies that are said about us and the people we love. Consider: What lies have been said about you? What negative things have you said about yourself? Help the child identify things they believe about themselves or things that have been said to them that are not life-giving. Sometimes if a child is very young they may not have an example readily available. Wonderful! Follow and trust the Spirit to reveal what is helpful for the child. Write the negative words in the picture of “self” using one color. Consider: What are some kind and loving things your parents have said about you? What does God think about you? How did He make you? What do you like about yourself, your personality, your talents, your body, your mind and heart? Help the child to identify life-giving words. If a child is struggling, have the other children come around and encourage them with words of affirmation, things they enjoy about each other. Some children may find these words truly meaningful and you may see immediate impact. Others may not express much at the moment but later go home and consider the affirmations alone. Whatever the immediate response, be encouraged that the words of life coming from the child to himself, the other kids to the child, and the teacher to the child, are seeds of life and blessings that last a lifetime. Write the positive words in the picture of “self” in a different color. Cover the picture with life-giving words that remind us what is true about ourselves and our identity. When God created us he made is in His image and said that we were VERY GOOD! God likes how he made us and is proud to call us His Sons and Daughters! You may want to turn on a worship song in the background and have the kids cross out the negative, destructive words. As they do this, encourage them to “cross off” the words in their minds and hearts as well, letting them go in order to believe what is true. Tip* - The older the children are the more personal this encounter becomes. You may want to stretch out over an entire room, or even allow kids to go to quiet spaces where they feel they have privacy and then reconvene. Listen God Made People (in His Image) - God's Story: God Made People God’s Story - Jesus God's Story | Jesus

  • LEADERS GUIDE Topic: The Gospel- 2. He Lived the life we couldn’t live

    Simple Reminders The primary idea you need to keep revisiting during this Following Jesus Pathway is that we are following and being formed by Jesus. This pathway can be learned simply or in great depth. We trust that you as a leader know your people and the dynamics of your group well enough to adapt and impart this topic with grace and wisdom. This guide is designed to help you and others follow and be formed by Jesus. Remember to keep it Jesus-Centered. We pray that you will be Spirit-Led and Spirit- Empowered as you lead and learn together. Brief Commentary and Context (Answer this question here: What did this mean in the original context and how is it set in the larger story of the Bible?) The Gospel- The gospel means ‘good news’- the good news of who Jesus is and what Jesus has done. It is the message that Jesus is Lord and the Kingdom of God is now accessible on earth as it is in heaven through him unto a whole new creation. The gospel is the power of God for the salvation and transformation of all who put their trust in Jesus. Brief Commentary for Matthew 4:1-11- “Jesus was led not to the bright lights of the city but the inhospitable reality of the wilderness. Sometimes the Spirit’s leading is not where we might expect it. The wilderness as we have come to learn however is the painful gift which reveals where the true source of our identity is found. One might have thought Jesus' years in relative obscurity were over but 40 days alone in the harshness of the wilderness lay ahead for Him. The 30 patient years before had laid the deep foundation of identity. Now all of what was formed in these years would be put to the test in the desolate wastelands of the Judean desert. As Jesus fasted and prayed through 40 days, ‘wild animals and the angels’ surrounded him. This was a mixture of intense spiritual warfare and grueling physical endurance, a test that would have pushed the most experienced adventurer to breaking point. Matthew, a master in understatement, says that at the end of these 40 days, ‘he was hungry!’ Imagine Jesus physically weak, mentally stretched and emotionally drained. Satan seized his moment. Three times Satan came to Jesus. His primary tactic hadn’t changed. Deception. The grandmaster of identity theft we discovered in The Fall, launched the same attack upon Jesus he had on Adam and Eve. Each time Satan came to Jesus he quoted scripture twisting God’s word to distort the truth. But this time it didn’t work. Ironically while Jesus body was weak, His spirit had never been stronger. Jesus may have been fasting but He was also feasting on the Father’s words which had spoken right into the core of His being, ‘you are my beloved Son and in whom I am well pleased.’ Jesus was ready. The First Temptation: ‘if you are the Son of God tell these stones to become bread.’ The first temptation was for Jesus to find pleasure and provision outside of the presence of God. Jesus answered, “It is written: ‘Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God. Jesus wanted Satan to know he didn’t need to self provide. He was more than satisfied in the Father’s words. The Second Temptation: From the highest point of the temple Satan came again, ‘if you are the Son of God throw yourself down…for it is written: He will command His angels concerning you, and they will lift you up in their hands…’ The second temptation was to strive for prestige and performance outside God’s will for your life. Jesus' response to Satan this time was, “It is also written: ‘Do not put the Lord your God to the test.” This time Jesus reminds Satan, He doesn’t need to do something spectacular to prove Himself, He trusts the Father’s plan for His life. The Third temptation: As Jesus looked out over the world from a high mountain Satan whispered, ‘All this I will give to you if you will bow down and worship me.’ The final temptation was to seize power and position outside of beloved sonship. Jesus responded, “Away from me, Satan! For it is written: ‘Worship the Lord your God, and serve him only. Jesus' final rebuke is one of scorn.! He wanted Satan to know He doesn’t need fame. Who the Father says He is is more than enough. Pleasure and provision; prestige and performance; power and position - all of these are ways of finding identity outside of the Father’s love. Every time the enemy comes Jesus pushes him back with the word of God. Jesus will not be lured out of his beloved identity into the idolatry of self. Spiritual warfare, we learn, isn’t a degree in demonology. It is the ability to stand in secure sonship. Jesus had been tempted in every way a human being can be but as a new Adam and a true Israelite He stood His ground and resisted the demonic assault. He overcomes where both Adam (in the garden) and Israel (in the wilderness) had failed. The foretold Serpent Crushing Liberator promised from the Garden of Eden had come into the world as a confident beloved Son.” Core Truths from the Topic and Summary Scripture Summary Scripture: Heb. 2:17-18- “For this reason he had to be made like them, fully human in every way, in order that he might become a merciful and faithful high priest in service to God, and that he might make atonement for the sins of the people. Because he himself suffered when he was tempted, he is able to help those who are being tempted.” DEFINITION The humanity of Christ refers to the reality that in his incarnation, the Son of God assumed a complete human nature with all its limitations (but without in any way surrendering his divinity), so that he might serve as humanity’s representative, substitute, and example. (The Gospel Coalition) The eternal word, 2nd person of the Trinity became flesh, born of a virgin named Mary (Luke 1:29-37) Jesus is fully God and fully human made like us in every way. (Philippians 2:6-11) Jesus fully revealed the Father. (Hebrews 1:2-3) Jesus embodied perfect love for God and people in complete obedience to the Father. (John 14:31) Jesus was tempted in every way as we are yet without sin and is therefore able to both save us and sympathize with our weakness. (Hebrews 4:15) The first Adam chose his own will and way in the Garden of Eden , the second Adam, Jesus, tempted by the enemy in the wilderness and stripped of everything, chose God’s will and way. (Matthew 4:1-11) “Jesus was a new kind of man. He would not believe the terrible lie that the enemy spoke. Jesus knew God loved him and He would trust God no matter what.” (The Jesus Storybook Bible) Learn the Tool: The Gospel and the Gift Extra Resources to help you Prepare (blog post on identity and what Jesus was tempted in in the wilderness) Jesus Journey by Trent Sheppard

  • LEADERS GUIDE Topic: The Gospel- 1. God always Loved us and gave us His Son Jesus

    Simple Reminders The primary idea you need to keep revisiting during this Following Jesus Pathway is that we are following and being formed by Jesus. This pathway can be learned simply or in great depth. We trust that you as a leader know your people and the dynamics of your group well enough to adapt and impart this topic with grace and wisdom. This guide is designed to help you and others follow and be formed by Jesus. Remember to keep it Jesus-Centered: Help people see Jesus as the model, motivation and goal of our discipleship. If people get stuck or struggle in the process, instead of giving quick answers or opinions, go to Jesus and the scriptures together. We pray that you will be Spirit-Led and Spirit- Empowered as you lead and learn together. Believing for encounters with the living God and life transformation for your Home Church as you follow the Spirit's leading. Brief Commentary and Context (Answer this question here: What did this mean in the original context and how is it set in the larger story of the Bible?) The Gospel- The gospel means ‘good news’- the good news of who Jesus is and what Jesus has done. It is the message that Jesus is Lord and the Kingdom of God is now accessible on earth as it is in heaven through him unto a whole new creation. The gospel is the power of God for the salvation and transformation of all who put their trust in Jesus. Brief Commentary for Acts 7:1-53- A few years after the death and resurrection of Jesus, the gospel was spreading and the church was growing in Jerusalem. At this time, a new servant leader was raised up named Stephen. Just as Jesus had faced false accusations before the Sanhedrin, Stephen was accused of violating the Jewish order and the religion of its people. In the jewish mind, this message of faith in the resurrected Jesus was destroying Israel’s foundations given by God, through Moses. Surely, this Jesus, who actually died, could not be the way of life. They believed the way of life was Torah, God’s law already given, and must be protected at all cost. It was this very argument that brought Stephen before the rulers of Israel, in Acts 7, accused of speaking against God and His ways. Stephen, a gentle servant, yet full of the Holy Spirit, steps into this very moment with confidence. He does not waste any time defending himself, but takes every moment to rehearse the story of God’s faithfulness to Israel, the prophetic word from Moses concerning the new Prophet, and ultimately God’s plan to deliver and dwell with His people always. Stephen simply shares the God story. The rulers know this story well. But when Stephen asserts that they have missed its fulfillment in the person of Jesus, it is more than they can bear. Stephen’s confidence in Jesus will cost him his life. After finishing his testimony, he looks up to see the desire of his heart fulfilled. He sees the climax of the God story with his own eyes - the resurrected Jesus, next to the Father, in all of His glory. After this declaration to those standing by, he is chased from the city and stoned to death. As we all seek to know God more deeply, and are shaped by His story through the ages, may our rehearsing of the Gospel always lead us to a revelation of the Lord Jesus Christ. The story Stephen tells is not just Israel’s story, but God’s story of rescue and restoration for the whole world. It helps us see that “God has always loved us and gave us his Son Jesus” as the fullest expression of His eternal love. Core Truths from the Topic Summary Scripture: 1 John 4:8b-10 “…God is love. This is how God showed his love among us: He sent his one and only Son into the world that we might live through him.This is love: not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins.” The Bible unfolds one true unified story of God’s unfailing love and redemption most fully revealed to us in Jesus. Jesus is the perfect embodiment of God’s self-giving love. (Col. 1:15-20) “There are lots of stories in the Bible, but all these stories are telling one Big Story. The Story of how God loves his children and comes to rescue them through Jesus.” (Jesus StoryBook Bible) God is love, eternally one God who is three Persons, who is love. (1 John 4:8) God always loved us and chose us before the foundation of the world. (Eph. 1:3-5) We were created by God’s love and for God’s love. (Col. 1:16) God loves all people. Love means God has the best for us. (John 3:16) God loved us while we were dead in our sin and living for ourselves. (Eph. 2:4) Nothing can separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord (Rom. 8:35-39) Learn the Tool: The Gospel and the Gift Extra Resources to help you Prepare The Bible Project: Old Testament Overview and Plot Overview: TaNaK / Old Testament Prophets’ Story: Select the PDF to download and print this Guide

  • KID’S RESOURCE: The Gospel Part 1: God always loved us and gave us His Son Jesus

    Remember Breath Prayer Breathe In: Your love endures forever Breathe Out: Your love has come for me Song: To God Be the Glory | Roar VBS | Group Publishing Remember what we learned and put into practice last week? Do you remember what we learned last week? Jesus House “Can anyone share something they remember about the Jesus House?” Practice the Following Jesus Liturgy (With our youngest kids only focus on the portion that we’re currently learning) Leader: Jesus said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me.” We believe this is true because of the Gospel. What is the Gospel? Kids respond: God always Loved us and gave us His Son Jesus Reflect Explore Key Concepts “There are lots of stories in the Bible, but all these stories are telling one Big Story. The Story of how God loves his children and comes to rescue them through Jesus.” The Bible unfolds one true unified story of God’s unfailing love. Jesus is the perfect picture of God’s perfect love. Read: The Story and the Song (Jesus Storybook Bible) The Story and The Song:Jesus Storybook Bible Discover through curious questions: Ask the children what stood out to them. What did they like about the story? Was anything new or different than how they’d heard the story in the past? Allow the conversation to be led by their questions, insights, and wonderments. Respond Experience: Puzzle Activity - “The Missing Jesus Piece” Prep: Choose a simple puzzle that you have. On the back of one piece write “Jesus” When you're with the kids, explain that every story in the Bible is a puzzle piece. The people of Israel had God’s commandments, His laws, and a way to be restored to purity and holiness through sacrifices. They knew a Messiah (Rescuer) was coming, but for generations He was the pissing piece. Hide the piece of the puzzle and have the kids make the puzzle with one missing piece. Have the kids search and find the missing piece. Encounter: Prayer: “God thank you for the big picture. You have given us the missing piece, your Son Jesus! Now we live with more than rules and sacrifices. We have the whole picture, the love of Jesus.” Intercession: Pray for friends and family in your life who don’t have “the missing piece.” Are there places you go and people you know that are missing the love of God? Pray for places: Schools, neighborhoods, cities, countries Pray for people: friends, family, neighbors, influencers Listen 2 min video (all ages) Gospel Project The Gospel Project for Kids | One Story Changes Everything 30 min video (PreK-K) Jesus is Born | BIBLE ADVENTURE | LifeKids

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